I Wanted Those Little Cute Pumpkins

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:04:04
What was born in English.

00:00:04:06 - 00:00:53:11
I'm going to say bonjour. I don't care. Hey, guys. As a man of a I'm a person with lots of customs. And I was just thinking about getting into more bone cancer. So I remember seeing the websites that sold Halloween teams things the last year maybe, but I won't find that website on Google. So I search on you and almost half of the results were ads and I had to scroll very far down, find that websites I was looking for.

00:00:53:13 - 00:01:21:04
You have written the name of the website or you have written something about the website. You remember I said I wrote a Halloween bunch, but none of the other websites, it's all of them. I wanted those little cute pumpkins. No. So you have written the Halloween sort of word in English at that point, just because to the next feature.

00:01:21:08 - 00:01:50:16
Yes. Yes. And I found the websites. You know, I think your phone, the website on the Facebook page that's full of miracles. Yeah, that's the other. It's like, didn't I love you more when you came up and said, I wanna try stop for one whole episode. I was like, Or maybe she has some serious problem, but this is what we come up.

00:01:53:04 - 00:02:17:15
I also wanted to find fabric for my other craft hobbies, and I couldn't find them also. Well, I found some, but they weren't cheap because they were all. They were all paying. Paying Google to show up in the first results. Yeah, like most of the time in Google have, like, the first half of it is just like yes to said.

00:02:17:20 - 00:02:46:20
But there is only one to stand normal. There's last month. There are three apps and the normal results normal normal results are the ads. Now is the problem because like like every person who wants to navigate Internet with some loss of sanity, I use an ad blocker, so I do not see the Google ads. Actually. But the problem is the the problem is and this is kind of this is not like just specific to Google.

00:02:46:20 - 00:03:16:08
This is kind of everywhere and on internet. Now that's half the Internet is ads that you cannot like because they pull this content or like information. And that's that's the bigger problem with Google search results, too. Because whenever you search for something like scroll down like four pages, it's going to be Cheever generated things that don't have any actual information.

00:03:16:10 - 00:03:44:14
It's just. Just things to get clicks on. Especially I can think of, like, specific nation. It comes to specific topics, like if you search editing, like movies related, and it's trying to find any information at the top of the page, there is going to be a screen rant's article that has actually zero information and it will be just filled by keywords.

00:03:44:19 - 00:04:09:05
When does this come out? When they said this will this movie will come out this time, but the time is not actually announced. It's just speculation. And then there's like five pages of disclaimer that this is not actual information. So I just I just made a bit of a difference. I, I, I no doubt about like that is the problem I have with Google more so than the ads themselves.

00:04:09:07 - 00:04:44:22
I feel your pain. Pinterest for me at this time I search something on the Pinterest results came up and they don't have the things I was looking for. But I think Binet is wrong because when you search for a movie, the first thing you're going to see is either a cast members or the other movies from the same director or yeah, the pictures of cast members side by side in the bus are talking about saying, Well, yes, yes, well, I'm specifically talking about like searching for information about like when a movie will come out.

00:04:44:24 - 00:05:14:12
It's like especially because, my God, this suddenness, there's this, this, you know, that we're back to the place where some movies just don't come much in Turkey anyways, when you search for those kind of things, they're like this article based. I did like air signs in my hands when I said article articles based websites that did not like ever really produce any information.

00:05:14:14 - 00:05:45:17
They're just filled with like clickbait, keyword articles that don't have any information other than and don't have any reason to exist. Other it gets clicks on when this, you know, mindset. I search with movies with my internet and screen and spaces appears I, I immediately started thinking how can I relate to this? I hate movies and all the others, all the other things.

00:05:45:17 - 00:06:06:05
They gave us an example of a click with me. I thought I can maybe say computer games because computer games are list based on computer game pixels. States are also buried in the sea of articles. The like that that don't contain information. But then I find them found the perfect example and now I'm going to give it to you.

00:06:06:07 - 00:06:32:07
If it's for the recipes. Whenever I use Google to find food recipes, I am immediately bombarded with somebody's grandmother cooking this for them and they want child the best recipe ever. Yeah, actually the best chocolate cake recipe is the best chocolate cake. Just buy it. So I let that one slide by. Yes, it is really good. No, I like it.

00:06:32:12 - 00:07:07:04
And I'm not saying it's the best. It's not. It's the worst. No, no, no. When the first result when you type the best chocolate cake recipe ever on Google, that's really the best. I tried some Yeah that's that's the best chocolate cake and that's that's I'm sure that that that person's right but everything else is wrong. And I can tell you I, I not only hate the way you can find the recipes online because of this, but I also I like the actual proper respect.

00:07:07:06 - 00:07:30:18
But you also can't really navigate the page you end up in. You are doing the search because it's like the recipe is buried somewhere in the sea of text. So master measurements that is textbook. Or if you need to navigate a whole set of unnecessary paragraphs until you get this sentence for this type of thing. I do like BBC recipes.

00:07:30:19 - 00:08:11:09
BBC recipes. I believe that if they have a recipe, they are involved. You should follow. Yeah, well, they're not good at news, so they have to be good at something. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. But it's for me, I feel like the. all of this I collect general experience that I have at Google. Feels like when you go to a hairdresser and they have these magazine that's been sitting there for a really long time and you start to like, I wonder what's inside of there and you just scroll a squirreled but like turn to pages and half of it is just ads and the other half of the text is basically nothing.

00:08:11:09 - 00:08:35:14
There's no information about anything. And if you're lucky, maybe you will get a good one. Cooking recipe. I generally think that right now, all of it, it just feels like just hidden ads everywhere. I mean, I let me tell you something private about me. This is a bit of a secret, but you'll be loving it when I say I haven't been to hairdresser since high school.

00:08:35:16 - 00:08:59:09
Like for the past 11 years I haven't been in the hairdressers. I really hate hairdressers, but it. It isn't like how I hate taxi drivers. And I am right about that. Hairdressers haven't done anything wrong. As I said, I just personally don't like the experience. But yeah, all the magazines are filled with a lot of ads. Or maybe ads are more memorable.

00:08:59:09 - 00:09:25:18
I don't know. I like I remember picking up several magazines when I was young and the articles were very uninteresting for them. But adverts, I mean, I don't remember. I don't remember anything, but I remember being bored that articles and looking at pictures because magazines had like shiny paper covers, I was them or something. And this happened for comics.

00:09:25:20 - 00:09:56:18
I mean, for me, like just general. The Google experience overall right now is mostly like just looking at ads, getting bored, not finding the things that you want and eventually just putting Reddit at the end or just going to Instagram and searching for it. Or just sometimes I find myself, even though take the YouTube. Yes, I even go like go to YouTube directly to find information rather than Google itself.

00:09:56:20 - 00:10:24:16
Or more dangerously, Tik Tok. Yes. Yeah, I mean, I was going to say YouTube and TikTok. So like if you're searching for instructional videos, it's better to search on YouTube to how to do something. It's better you get better results. Another place of Reddit. Okay, I will die if I don't mention this. Okay. Still few months ago I was watching television.

00:10:24:18 - 00:10:55:20
I'm in bed like, I need to look at this better than searching, than Google. Okay, I'll just say turn it on. A few months ago, I was watching television and I encountered the commercial in the television. And this was a Tok commercial. And what the commercial was he celebrity encounter? The very unlike the situation, like somebody needed to change the attires and celebrity comes and changes the tide and then the person's or you're a celebrity singer.

00:10:55:23 - 00:11:37:15
I didn't know how to do this. And then the person says, I learned it in TikTok. Wow. that's the for the TikTok. I thought, like, that's the way TikTok markets itself in Turkey is that it's a place where you can find information about instructions on what to listen to. You know, it's over. But I know I was going to say, I know this is going to be a horrible anecdote because I guess not to tips on what we are going to date episodes because you know how the reasons lead to the biggest news under the current events is like the Israel-Palestine situation.

00:11:37:17 - 00:12:12:02
I see. yes, that is indeed the situation on the 1st of October 2004 to discontinue, you know, you know, one, I mean, what's it like? I've seen so many like, like posts and sentiments about, I don't know about the subject regarding like this, the Israel-Palestine situation. I should look it up on TikTok. And I'm going to be honest, I cannot say I am an expert on Middle East politics, but please do not search on TikTok.

00:12:12:04 - 00:12:40:20
No, I do not want people to get informed on the Middle East politics while watching someone dance. I even like hurt a lot of my friends to sing TikTok hit on Google, but there they know how to utilize this search in their interface. Like if you're watching a video, it's usually like secret places you should go in Berlin, like nobody.

00:12:40:20 - 00:13:07:09
The things that you didn't know that you would experience kind of. I don't exactly know how it works, but, you know, I mean, on the UI of the page, on the scroll page, when you're watching a video, if is many people write something in the comments, they extract that phrase in the middle of the video under of the video that you can directly search for that result.

00:13:07:15 - 00:13:41:02
If they're talking about a topic, it, as you said, has been said in like Israel Palestine situation and they put what happened in Palestine, what happened in Israel kind of phrases under and you can directly search through that. that's how they integrate search in in their interface. So it's kind of words, but I think they like their rights to promote their search results.

00:13:41:04 - 00:14:21:15
But exactly like and also did what you said is basically a whole sentence. Right. Like I think even that kind of shows how Google is not really the same. And like, I basically what I was trying to say is like if I usually just search in keywords and I don't think that's the case anymore and I don't know how was your experience overall with this, but it's not like Palestine Israel question mark anymore, you know what I mean?

00:14:21:17 - 00:14:57:20
I don't think that that's the sort of succinct summary of most 70 year conflicts in this in the in the front the 1st of October 2000 and are the three that's a little bit Reuters. This is a horrible example where some fools I feel horrible we are using it because it's a horrible example Like I also I actually got chills when I heard the phrase I'm going to search till tik tok.

00:14:57:22 - 00:15:24:15
Yeah, that's that's, that's what that's a little invoking part of that sentiment. Yes. Yes. The Tik tok. But I want to ask something and I can like I will I will negate that Tik Tok example for for the purposes of this exercise. But I will do tonight and other people for you, please your food chicken. I mean, that's so the answer of it.

00:15:24:18 - 00:15:54:23
But your own answers, what do you usually use Google to find? What are the things you usually search for in Google? Like, I'm not asking that they are successful or not what I'm saying, but the encounters in the world, that's compels you to do a Google search on anything that I don't know. Like you're talking and it's a technical term and I don't know what the technical term stands for.

00:15:56:04 - 00:16:20:22
and then and it's an acronym, right? I don't know what the acronym is for or somebody texted me a short version of a word in English, and I'm not familiar with that because my second language or I'm on, I'm getting old and I am not keep hooking up with the new Internet trends. So Googling new means to understand what is being made.

00:16:20:22 - 00:17:02:21
So those kind of things I tend to Google or sometimes I can even go like weather. Like what's the weather like? Or sometimes I do direct math equations over Google. I do that too. And that and like, don't feel don't feel bad about that. It is a translation to the basically anything like that. I need quick like dictionary purposes to sometimes just using Did you mean common just to check my grammar.

00:17:02:23 - 00:17:34:12
Yeah. I also a little bit like food. That's my general use case for Google, but I think the problem kind of comes when I actually start to use it for a search engine rather than other purposes. Like the example of what something is mean or how I can do something. Or when I'm searching actually for a paper that I'm writing about or when I'm actually want to buy something and I want to look competitive products.

00:17:34:12 - 00:18:05:20
Like at this point, I feel like I cannot rely on Google anymore. Of Vida. I mean, like I won't say vital because that's the later part of of my inquiry. I wanna to just quickly ask other people as well, what do you usually use? Like what compels you to use Google in your daily lives? Tell me about your customer journey in alone.

00:18:05:22 - 00:18:40:21
I think the thing I like to think that that has gone versus for me over the years was the quick the quick information, the quick questions like if I want to find out like Van is something like I think I was trying to find out what my like state exam was because I was not keeping track of. It's no wonder when it was going to be announced, the Cup assessor when it was going to be announced, because I didn't keep track of it, because I'm not a good person.

00:18:40:23 - 00:19:18:03
So like used to be, I was supposed to do go to the building every day and look at the board. What's what's the situation? So this is to look at the rough sites for the exam and look at the like calendar thing, obviously. But anyways, I digress. I mean, you digressed me, but, you know, the point is used to me that if you wanted to like, want to do something like that, you because this like I also did this when like I had my like as just like college exams etc. My niece like Lynn is this going to come out?

00:19:18:03 - 00:20:01:22
You would get the results and it would be the results from the official websites, like the official websites for the team would usually be on the top. If not, there would be like a news website that actually told you answer. Nowadays, like when I did this this year, there was like all the page was the all the usual suspects of clickbait Turkish like newspaper websites that's what that's that started with so capisce this is an exam where you this literally like copy paste which page definitions of things just to have more keywords in it that did not actually have the answer and they could be like they kept we face each other too.

00:20:01:22 - 00:20:37:22
So yeah, this site has the same sentence in that is being too kind to the website. I feel under certain there are pictures between sentences. So yes, you would have a full picture. Picture of students on a desk thinking about a question, you know. Yeah, that's. Yeah. Because I would, I would say the developer not the image is the most the one that is necessary and safety code, whatever.

00:20:37:24 - 00:20:59:15
But yeah. I think does answer sheet or something which is Yes. And it's, it's not that a photo is like my classmates or what I was going to say. It's literally this is the thing that has gone for the person and I'm like I'm like, this is not and I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm going to give credit to Google that.

00:20:59:15 - 00:21:23:02
This is not like this is not on Google completely. Right? Because the thing is, this is this is happening because all these websites are trying to operate within the algorithm Google has created. So an algorithm is trying to like do it one may and all these websites are trying to not provide answers because these are not public utilities.

00:21:23:02 - 00:21:47:16
Right? These are just, again, these people just want the clicks. So but that's the that's their like, ideal outcome. They tried to game the algorithm and this is like this is like a back and forth battle of like how one side is trying to, like, do the search engine thing, maybe not as best as they could because they are also trying to earn money, but like they're trying to make it usable.

00:21:47:16 - 00:22:20:03
And the other site is just trying to game around this algorithm. And in the middle VR here, access to zero actual information of how to go to like Reddit on like four year old threads where we can't even get actual answers anymore. If you can't find it already answered. It's just a mess. It's a mess. You want to just quickly say that it is slightly Google's fault still to because the the Google knows that they have the largest percentage in the market.

00:22:20:06 - 00:22:53:14
Right for them like in it's 82% or something. Right now people are using still Google and that's a huge amount of people that are potential customers that can buy something. And Google's largest revenue still comes from ad revenues. And now they are just making this so prominent that it's actually affecting the user experience. So it's not just the site thing that pops up once in a while.

00:22:53:15 - 00:23:24:15
It's in the Google. It is Google almost. The Google basically became a giant billboard that everybody is fighting and and it created like a whole new way of industry that's billions of dollars probably worth with this optimization of Google Search results and all of that thing basically. And I think that's where the Google is still at fault because that's their business model and they choose to go this way.

00:23:24:15 - 00:23:52:22
They because they are a giant company, they want to profit and that's basically it. It's still like the user is not in it anymore, that the way of market is has been changed and they're just like, we are owning it. It's a monopoly, so we are going to milk the cow basically. So because in that it has been very out of character for that.

00:23:52:22 - 00:24:22:07
But I need to get back to my character and let me say something that's probably the I will say in this podcast, I don't think companies are to be blamed is I don't you would never say that nobody to your mouth, not listen. I am not saying that companies aren't to blame for things. I am just saying that this particular thing isn't companies fault.

00:24:22:08 - 00:24:48:13
Because look, Google the search engine. What the search engine does is and what it is designed to do is or was because they sent that, they started altering what that means. But you are in the Internet, you have connected the cable, you're in there and you're trying to find things on the Internet and in art, and you are trying to find websites.

00:24:48:15 - 00:25:14:23
So that's what Google started with. You are you know that the drugstore that sites on rush and you are to that's the original thing so you would not you want to in the device to find a date for something a live bossa nova about something is that one sponsorship definitely not the case check for the want to find the website first.

00:25:15:00 - 00:25:40:14
Probably is, but usually not people use Google. They aren't trying to find the specific website that trying to find the specific product or information. Clearly an interface designed for find websites is the most suitable for that problem. So what you really want is a sort of interface such as the beauty. Maybe that you can ask a question and find the answer and move on with your life.

00:25:40:16 - 00:26:12:15
And everybody started doing that. People wouldn't be using Google for that and therefore Google would be for those people who took articles that started to be assessed is an exam about government regulations on the phone. See where I want to push back on that. If you want to learn when the movie comes up, you don't want the website, you want a piece of information in the Internet, but that's like you get that information from the site device built in order to find the website wouldn't be much help for you.

00:26:12:15 - 00:26:31:23
I think it's crazy to expect Google to do that. These things because that's not what the thing is built to do. See, I disagree because that is not what Google is anymore used to be that yes, Google was the thing you used to get to the other website and Google was like, I want you, I want you to be off my premises as soon as possible.

00:26:31:23 - 00:26:53:04
Get your website, click that go away from me. Now, this is not the case because like I said earlier, when you like used to be like when you search for a movie, usually you got at the top like the Wikipedia page for the article for the movie, like IMDB page for the movie, but it was all websites nowadays, like in I said, you get the all the like the cast pictures at the site.

00:26:53:04 - 00:27:14:19
There's a sidebar, a top. There are like four related questions that Google decided you might ask about it, which way you click on them. It doesn't take you to a website. It uses other websites content and tries to generate an answer to that. And sometimes that answers because obviously this process is not perfect. Like, it's like how chatty, which is not perfect.

00:27:14:21 - 00:27:38:14
Sometimes it's just generates the answers that are not true, that does not have any basis in reality. But I disagree that that's not the purpose of Google, because nowadays Google's purposes keep you on Google as much as possible. Google does not want you to go to those websites anymore. Google, Google even don't want you to go to YouTube.

00:27:38:16 - 00:28:11:17
Like, have you ever search use of video on Google and yes, it's like it likes, it likes clips, it puts it on the top. I mean, look, I am I am not seeing the current usage of Google is finding the websites. What I am saying is the reason why Google can Google search can get away with being this horrible, assuming it's horrible is because people are using it wrong and Google quotes people are using the wrong.

00:28:11:17 - 00:28:44:03
Let me exploit. That's Google isn't like Google isn't bailing on its stated purpose. Well, this is exploiting people, misusing like I have. That's that's what you are seeing since a of companies to blame after company is to blame companies and the company for the blame. I think the best part using Google the ones using Google wrong is us I think because the way we search does not work anymore.

00:28:44:05 - 00:29:22:03
Internet has changed. We are old now like, I, I can do my own. And this I don't need to run for political office. And it's like projecting this on to us. I don't feel old my every hour you come to this point need being go and and ticktock yes you all that ticktock but please explain because like old people used to cook in Turkey anyway like, like I realized this when I was with my father and he asked me to search for something.

00:29:22:03 - 00:29:44:18
It was a TV series about, I think like it did. It did. They made their season final and asked me to search for it. And I searched the keywords, the name of the TV series, a season final, and I didn't get results. The expected results. I couldn't find the results. But then I thought maybe I could have right.

00:29:44:18 - 00:30:25:08
Those things is my father will do it. The name of the TV series had finished. It did that. It TV series had their season final and I immediately saw you phrased it like it was. Yes. Then I immediately Fontana. And I think the reason we use those kind of things, it has to basis first Turkish. Turkish is a suffix, a user suffix a lot and that suffixes can change, according to do words itself with vowel harmony.

00:30:25:10 - 00:30:54:24
So Google are good algorithm wasn't doing best in Turkish in old days like ten years ago. And true. A beaver beaver using the root of the e shirts generally that I feel using those kind of search when I'm looking my history. I like if I'm looking for a dessert recipe, I write the name of dessert, or if one or two ingredients.

00:30:55:01 - 00:31:19:21
And at the recipe at dessert dessert recipe. And I don't even use phrases that much. And English is best for this. So I prefer certain guinea English. That's why I use that. Yeah. And this is very difficult to explain for a non third speaking audience because what and this is actually trying to explain he doesn't write recipe of desserts.

00:31:20:02 - 00:31:47:06
Yeah he he writes recipe desserts even in English I don't do that of like but in Turkish right thing or recipe of dessert would change the way you write the verbs so he would be writing a different. a similar thing is this can be exemplified in like a you can I do write how to cook rice, but you can write it cooking rice or cook rice.

00:31:47:07 - 00:32:09:00
How you don't even need to write out because I don't want you just said cook rice because I want the results to explain and I don't want a website. That's right. I love to cook rice because it's a general bit to cook made for me. If they write how to cook rice in their field, I don't want that to result.

00:32:09:01 - 00:32:37:07
You know, let me tell you, back when I was young, back when I was less accustomed to rice cookery, I used to look at YouTube videos to find the correct measurements for the type of rice I was going with because I needed to see the type in order to understand what I should be doing. Like I didn't trust Google to give me the amount of water rice requires because of the click bait.

00:32:37:07 - 00:33:27:14
Yeah, that's. And similarly, I use imperative. Imperative. Like I don't say watching something, I say watch something. And so that's way. But because Turkey has a booming pirates internet streaming, it must, by the way, overcome this problem is I turned off personal results through Google search settings that helps. But before that I switched to Google. DuckDuckGo and I realized it was, yeah, it certainly is a really nice website that is that when I switched to DuckDuckGo it was like my old times using Google in the first years and I was so happy in my place.

00:33:27:14 - 00:33:57:16
I was directly finding things online. Then I realized that it is simply not supported. It is powered by Bing and being results were worse back then like before. But yeah I it's it's just so bad and I didn't also they were using Yandex at the time. Then I switched to Google back its personal results off and now I'm happy at least some how happy I am to do that too.

00:33:57:17 - 00:34:28:20
I think fairness is important. I'm so happy about that. Yes, that's it. This this recording was a tremendous success because in the end, if you are able to convey that this was a triumph. Yeah, Yeah, indeed. In this case, I think another reason you can ascribe the problems of the terrorist situations. Imagine you want to buy a product, say you want to buy and put up, go off.

00:34:28:20 - 00:35:17:13
It's a recent example. Say you want to buy a steamer robot and as a person who wants to buy steamer puts, I write to Google the like simple. And it's led me to some websites which small groups like Amazon and others local Amazon very which are better than Amazon on this Amazon sponsored. I don't search on those websites store like even though almost I'm gonna go with Amazon because support for example even though Amazon has huge selection of goods I don't strike Amazon what I want to buy I write to Google because they're usually better at gorging the things I want, like when they write things like that to Amazon.

00:35:17:15 - 00:35:46:19
Amazon, The Amazon searching algorithm is much easier to for the for the companies. So I would say I wrote steam pots I will be planting pots in the search results. I will see steam trains in the search results. But when I use Google, it's more or less finds the exact product that I'm looking for in those websites. So that's interesting because our experiences are not the same.

00:35:46:21 - 00:36:11:19
How hustle. Like I used to do it, I used to like not go to the website, search for the thing, like even the websites with search functions. I would not use the website search function I use. I would use Google especially on shopping websites. Because in shopping websites it's it's it's with the easier to find like trustworthy ones on Google or other on the website itself.

00:36:11:21 - 00:36:40:21
But nowadays if I want to find something on Amazon I just search on Amazon because it it's, it's kinda better to find it there. No another than the other websites. Like I said, our experiences are very similar in this regard. My expense will be a lot. This similar because I don't even search for an item I really like to find it through filters and through categories.

00:36:40:21 - 00:37:10:15
But I mean. But they don't even put the categories like visible. Some of the categories they're not putting directly on their homepage or they don't even put it in the subcategories. You can't find it. That's way that easy. You need to search for that category and through a filter like or I don't know it, you need to enter it to different parts through the website user interface.

00:37:10:17 - 00:37:40:15
But I don't I don't trust search results. That's that's the thing even Google search results. Well actually I found my my are experiences are not universal and it is not when I search to like if I am looking for an item on Google, what I face is not actually like most of the time not the listings for the item I like on like Amazon or any other websites.

00:37:40:17 - 00:38:25:14
What I face is like at least on like the first page part. Like the like first like time results are very to find this item cheapest on this website like, like websites like jewelry, etc. You know, that is the a capture or like yeah I live or to move but those I do like architecture that actually is a great website was also not our sponsors like actually is the good one Guimaraes the first one and they show which only so stayed the the product this those websites are the ones that chose which on which websites they sell that specific items and their prices and respectively so you can find the cheapest.

00:38:25:15 - 00:38:47:17
Yeah like side by side you can you can write headphones and a whole bunch of headphones about it and you can like you can look at the word to find that particular headphone for cheapest in that website. But it also serves another important purpose because now you enter Amazon, there are plenty of the same items side by side by different sellers.

00:38:47:19 - 00:39:32:13
And if you look at said, they're all filtered into a single box. So it is much, much more navigable than you use a intermediate program like that. But you see, I still stand by my initial problem statements and my initial problem statement device using Google incorrectly. People are using Google for their own purposes and Google this and companies that exploit that's if like if there are some place for specific websites where you can just write release date their release date of whatever was on websites and you can just write the thing and then it stops the release states gives it back to you.

00:39:32:15 - 00:39:55:03
That would be solving that problem. But that's your that particular problem would disappear immediately if there was a proper place for this. I can write it and it pops out and all of those are great. But because the one all those to be the same websites, that same website cannot handle these different types of requests as a single interface.

00:39:55:03 - 00:40:29:12
I think that's the that's the problem we are facing. Yes. Yes. But I think that's. I'm sorry. That's I'm I'm I don't want to make the worst tangent of all time. I'm going to stop myself. There are not words. I am curious enough. Well, I was thinking about when you said like if there was a website for release dates of stuff, and it just made me think about and I think I've been to something like every two episodes, like how centralized the Internet is compared to like ten years ago.

00:40:29:14 - 00:40:49:17
And like there used to be websites for dads and it died. Those used to be popular. But the way the Internet's is set up right now, those websites do not exist because they do not have like the power to keep themselves or they do not have the power to even be found because every first result is going to be like the biggest websites on the Internet.

00:40:49:23 - 00:41:26:24
And it's always going to funnel you into things like Tik-tok or Twitter or like Instagram or Pinterest, maybe like like Facebook less. So nowadays I would leave. It's like, that's the kind of thing I was thinking about and I didn't want to go into that tangents. And I don't think that's a tangent. I think that's an integral part of the search engines actually, in that regard, we can't believe the company, the search engines, the site stifles stifled ideas like search engines.

00:41:27:01 - 00:42:00:24
This destroyed that demand that the man no longer exists. But the thing is, search engines, standards versus stats. Yeah, but still you are using dumb and not website because somewhere out there at this one web site exists that I don't necessarily know which one that is, but somewhere out there that website exists and you're using because you are using you are using it somewhat worse experience provided by Google this this this is is this a cycle of this is the eternal cycle of technology?

00:42:01:01 - 00:42:34:02
Is this always what's going to happen? I mean, I mean, Reddit kind of did the similar thing to those blogs. I was at the tangent, your tangent. they are all geometrical geometric said, my God, that tangent doesn't have a tendency to be the same line. And we like, I was like, I was going like, Do you remember the time we talk about it?

00:42:34:04 - 00:43:27:13
People don't use computer as we do you remember the episode? Yes. The people don't use computers that much and they don't search it on Google that much as the because they don't use browsers. They have browsers on their phone. They use search through Instagram for places for in food, places, coffee places. They only find like whenever they find a company like I, I was so not impressed with shots when I heard from the intern in the company I was working at the time and she was definitely a Gen Z and she was using Instagram to find the company that, I heard about that product line and I searched company on Instagram.

00:43:27:15 - 00:43:58:15
It's like, Exactly. It feels so weird for me that they don't use Google that much as as much. I mean, they search on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, they don't use Google that at all. So I can understand Google stats in this. So Google's main customers is the older people and therefore therefore our needs are met by the company similar to how political parties in some countries I know operates.

00:43:58:17 - 00:44:27:15
Yeah, they are not the target demographic. That's why I'm here to talk to you. I that's interesting. That's really interesting because like it's I think it also has to do with the way our brain operates because similar to if I also use Google to find things that I don't know and I sometimes use Google to fill the gaps in the information flow I am having, like I am thinking about something and then I'm like, What was the guy's name from orbit?

00:44:27:15 - 00:44:52:21
Not well. Cut his nose in the house. Yeah, but you can see with my running guy, he is, he is a person, is Frederico Del Monte factor I think is his name. Okay. I don't remember his name. I just remember his story. Like I said, the nose cutting guy for faster than the shoulders. But maybe people are doing that.

00:44:52:23 - 00:45:17:22
Maybe people don't look up to the things that, you know, I'm like, man, you're being you're being ridiculous. Are you saying people are not interested in Post-medieval Italian history like that? Is that is insane to me. What I am saying is far worse and it has far worse ramifications. I am not saying people are not interested in these things.

00:45:17:22 - 00:45:44:08
What I'm saying is people are not aware that these things are just. Yeah, yeah. Because the reason we know of those things is the D come from a more decentralized type of internet where you can stumbled into this information. Yes. Like I watched you I am is that got me started This is like an internet track the people started doing all kinds of weird things.

00:45:44:10 - 00:46:07:23
And yeah, I also I started to own YouTube too. I think. Yeah. Yeah, that started. Me too. Did you know about the reason why I want YouTube videos is is that for a that I didn't do that I had I had an academic career ahead of me. I would have been a school. Yeah. Listen, let's not go that far.

00:46:08:00 - 00:46:33:09
But anyway, what I had is I started materials and you can start your whole day of watching reels. Yeah. And you won't be encountering. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, by the way, the sale or I am not insulting the people who like doing the fun thing to the I do it, but it tends to put you in a sort of circle where you don't.

00:46:33:15 - 00:46:55:08
You can't deviate very much like, you know, you're in search of the knowledge that there should be millions of reels in the Instagram box. Yes. You only encountered like you have like you in the same scrolling. You can encountered the same three or four or five or ten times that that shouldn't happen, that statistically that shouldn't happen. But it does.

00:46:55:12 - 00:47:21:23
And that's finally what I'm saying is people will not be aware of credible the month of Ultra because they will be able to come to a place where they would learn about not because they are not interested, but because it does not interest the able to those people. And that's like I said, that's something I think maybe worse than people not being interested in things.

00:47:22:00 - 00:47:48:10
Yeah, I mean, that's why I'm saying like when we say we're using a diverse experience, when a possible better one exists is like that one is just out of reach, like you said, because it is very hard to even be aware of it exists. Yeah, that's I think I agree because I, I don't think necessarily that Google is up, but I don't miss old.

00:47:48:12 - 00:48:12:02
I like being able to find what I'm looking for without entering a website because or business Vanguard looking for a website. They are looking for a specific data information and Google gives it to you without entering the website. People seem to be thinking that that's a bad thing, but that's actually a great thing because what happens is now you enter that site, you are bombarded with pop up.

00:48:12:02 - 00:48:36:04
That's But what I'm saying is you don't want that. Like you're happy. You're not going to the websites because of the way websites are now compared to ten years ago or ten years ago. Web sites were worse, maybe websites at this because of Google search. They know that they can. You guys remember the Amazon Web page that was.

00:48:36:09 - 00:49:07:24
Yes. Yes. The yeah, I think that's that's for me the example of like how the old Internet websites kind of a little bit look like a lot of things happening at the same time with a lot of things that you didn't care and was basically popping up everywhere and it was default and you couldn't change it. And unless you knew how to but didn't because I was ten or maybe younger, I guess.

00:49:08:01 - 00:49:44:24
I don't know if this is a good example. What you mean by the old websites was worse, or do you mean more like glittery websites where it's custom cursed venue and see to it? I was thinking about the HDMI flame animation that there are a bunch of those that well, I was thinking about is to be that's I think the ones I thinking about and like I will admit that obviously when you look at the past, you remember the extremes of it, like the worst and the best are like the actual general situation is not.

00:49:44:24 - 00:50:24:09
That's like memorable. Maybe. So maybe I am having a bit of a nostalgia. But when I think of the like all the websites up thinking Marla used to be that could be website stuff like something one person or like, like a couple of people who are really passionate about them. They made a website about it, like there was the websites that tracked down all the, like I may say through said, I remember that there was like a TV company website that was like you would click the your your TV shows that you watched and you click schedule and it would make like a schedule to when the next episodes are going to come on each

00:50:24:09 - 00:50:47:08
and every one. And it was like a very lightweight website that didn't have any like pop offs that didn't have any like flashing lights in your face. It was just a utilitarian website because someone was really passionate about it and made it and they didn't need to pay. Couple of kidneys worth of money to Google to be on the top page of the table.

00:50:47:10 - 00:51:10:18
Yeah, I think couple kidneys is the problem here is like because I am fairly certain those websites for certain people are so passionate about things. Yes yes people are they are not just passionate about things like that. So not omnipresent, but they do like to do that page's Tumblr pages. There are like interfaces that allow people to channel that and that's it.

00:51:10:18 - 00:51:59:14
And I'm fairly certain they're allowed sites out there to make it. But we can't blame Google this. It is not letting passionate people to reach passionate audience for Google site. And I'm not saying like I am not insulting your parents as I am fairly to that. But you know, I think Google is designed for media in demand. People like not passionate people, the people who are indifferent or like maybe slightly bored people, the type of drive information that there's price through The Google isn't designed to entertain small and excited bunches of people and connect them.

00:51:59:16 - 00:52:31:17
Google is more like how, you know, background on first, not first, but like in Thailand is a policy for market stuff like the interesting hip. I am doing the interface on investing businesses. And in contrast, Microsoft was like, yeah, we are the place where business businesses made not like those Apple people. And that's what Google thought of Google search and sort of it's just an it does its business in a no nonsense way.

00:52:31:19 - 00:53:00:24
You are even playing games on Macs that back then at that time I would not and to own the type of Apple II users the one who eats and also my iPod you know they are fun to see you're a liar and also my iPod of your shortcuts and also my iPhone. I missed that. And also, I don't like eating up like this.

00:53:01:01 - 00:53:24:21
So this was a horrible example. You like drinking it? I like the type of apple cake, maybe. Good. Like the thing that you caramelized apple your apple pie. Roll that door around. It's not. It's not po. yes. It's just the cinnamon like of the sugars. And this is a space that are more like, what does Americans like?

00:53:24:21 - 00:54:02:18
Pie crust is more similar to what it feels like. Let's roll that Roll has the milo. It has the same go with apple pie. The same though with apple pie. The crust. Right? But it is rolled with small pieces. It's kind of like porch, but sweet but filled with apple and those euro that I think Germans have something for some of us a great button I like that but like you to our dear listeners if you know about like a if you can type in a search prompts for us to find that recipe, we're welcome.

00:54:02:20 - 00:54:51:18
Yeah. Also. But please feel welcome to comment the type of apples you like it's you can write under our social media posts about this report being silly. I think there will be still do that right yeah you can recut does bring it you have those like in conclusion that various underscores that I'm you know so you can listen to your favorite podcast broadcaster mine minus Spotify but it's not sure if everybody is I like overcast I that's that's what I like but based on our statistics Spotify is the popular content.

00:54:51:20 - 00:55:01:15
Yeah, I also hooked them to that one. Yeah. But see you guys next week. But yeah, I was going to say.

Creators and Guests

Elif Gecyatan
Elif Gecyatan
I am a visual artist and a qualitative researcher.
İzel Çelik
İzel Çelik
She likes apps, technology, design, and talking about things she likes. After wearing her Turkish friends down, she decided to expand her borders and speak to the whole world about her interests.
I Wanted Those Little Cute Pumpkins
Broadcast by